Ultrasonicsolvent vapor degreasers
KEEPLEADERdesigned and built ultrasonic solvent vapor degreaser years of trouble-freeoperation, our machine is configured to operate with Chlorinated solvent toremove heavy grease, oils and compounds from heavily soiled industrial parts,or with the new ultrasonic, spray cleaning bends uses in precision cleaningapplications, solvent cleaning must meet recent safe guidelines and includeinnovative features, like sealing covers, automated shut-down cycle, and earlymalfunction detection, all designed to make operating with the new solventcost-effective and trouble-free
01:How ultrasonic vapor solvent degreaser work?
Solventdegreaser involves the exposure of cleaning parts to pure solvent vaporsreleased by a boiling solvent, the cleaning parts usually suspended in thevapor zone above the boiling sump, when the vapor touch the comparatively coolcleaning parts, condensing action occurs which dissolves the contamination and flushesit away. And dripping into the boiling sump, because the boiling temperature ofsolvent is fixed, so the cleaning parts always touched the clean solvent, untilthe temperature of vapor is the same as cleaning parts, the cleaning action isstopped, this is basic cleaning schedules, the solvent cleaning machine oftenequipped with spraying cleaning, ultrasonic agitation, is usually usedchlorinated solvents and new fluorinated solvent and other zoetrope
02: What’s application of the ultrasonic solvent degreaser?
Althoughwater-based cleaning machine are effective in many applications, some aspectsof aqueous-based cleaning can make it impractical and unusable for certaincleaning application, So, solvent cleaning comes into the practice by itsspecial performance, which can well clean petroleum basked oil, grease, wax andother stubborn solvent soluble soil from any non-porous surface, solventcleaning is also very useful at precision, it is also very effective atprecision-cleaning highly sensitive parts contaminated with dust, fingerprints,and other air-borne contaminants, vapor degreaser is commonly used to clean,machine parts, electrical and electronic subassemblies, intricate metal andplastic components, artificial joints, lenses, and a wide variety of otherproducts prior to further processing, assembly, inspection, or packaging,nearly any part can be cleaned in a solvent degreaser without concern forquality control issues like part oxidation, effective drying and water spots
03: Safety controls and Solvent detention system
Allof ultrasonic vapor degreaser must be designed with consideration of guidelinesfor safety and solvent detention
031:Safety controls
Eachsolvent degreaser, there is float switch to detect the chemical level, if thesafe level is not reached, the heating will be stopped, buzzer sounds up andinducting light is lighted to remind the operators to fill the solvent, themachine is also equipped with circuit protection of overheating, compressorfault and other automated controlling for safety purpose
Solventretention systems
Themost importance of solvent degreaser is the detention design of solventefficiency, tries to reduce the leakage of solvent, and recycling the dirtysolvent, is not only a safe principle but also the environment orientation,several factors involved in overall efficiency of the solvent degreaser
032:The primary cooling coils
Amultiple pass perimeter cooling coil is used as heat exchanger to condense thevapors, creating a sustainable vapor zone, the primary coil must be maintainedat the temperature that will cause the vapors to readily condense, thisfunction can be performed by directly refrigerating the coil, or by passingchilled water through it
Onrefrigerated system: multiple condensing coils mounted perimeters above theprimary coils directly, which is continuously detained the vapors to avoid theleakage and quick drying
Onwater-cooled system: water-cooled vapor degreasers, a coolant flows through theprimary cooling coil, if a constant supply of cool water is available, thesystem can operate a water along, more commonly however, to save water and toassure constant temperature, a combination of coolant and water is circulatedthrough a refrigerated water chiller, the water chiller may be dedicatedentirely to one degreaser, or it many be serving the cooling requirements ofother equipment simultaneously, water-cooled degreaser that are connected to awater chiller perform as efficiently as refrigerated system
033:Secondary cooling system:
Thesecondary cooling system consists of an additional cooling coil that is mounteddirectly above the primary cooling coil and maintained at sub-zerotemperatures, creating a cold blanket of air, which further reduces solventconsumption, the safety guidelines call for freeboard chiller on vapordegreasers containing trichloroethylene, perchloroethylene, give that aproperly-designed freeboard chiller will reduce evaporative losses by 30% to45%, the cost of a freeboard chiller can easily be justified as a solvent-savingmeasure with a short payback period
034:Freeboard ratio
Freeboardis the area within tank above the vapor zone, the freeboard ratio compares thewidth of the top opening of the tank to the freeboard height, the height of thearea above the top of vapor zone, higher freeboard ratios have beendemonstrated to aid in solvent retention, freeboard rations between 1.25 to 1and 1.5 to 1 are offered
035:Automated slide cover
Unlikecommon sliding cover that leave gaps around their perimeter, this unique coveris designed to roll into place and seal the work chamber from the atmosphere,virtually eliminating evaporative losses during downtime
04:Vapor spray degreaser
Ultrasonicsolvent degreaser of spraying at KEEPLEADER has one compartment cleaningsystem, with the vapor zone located directly above the boiling solvent, thisunit is designed for cleaning application that require suspension in puresolvent vapors only, typically, the cleaning parts are lowered into the vaporzone and held there until condensation ceases, if necessary, it is then sprayedwith freshly distilled solvent to remove oil, chips, solder flux or othersoils, spraying the cleaning parts also cools it slightly, causing the vapor tobegin condensing on the cleaning parts again, once condensation ceases again,as the cleaning parts are then raised into the freeboard area where it is helduntil it is dry
05:Immersion/vapor spray degreaser
Partscontaminated with particular stubborn soils or very high-weight parts thatreach the vapor very quickly may not be completely cleaned in the initial vaporstage when a vapor immersion is not adequate for a particular cleaningapplication, an immersion/vapor spray design is suggested, the cleaning circleof the immersion vapor spray unit is similar to that of vapor spray unit,except that after the vapor stage, the part is immersed in the warm liquidsolvent sump, this step provide additional cleaning and also lowers thetemperature of the cleaning parts, after the liquid immersion stage, thecleaning parts are then raised back into the vapor zone to allow for finalvapor rinse prior to removal from degreaser
06:ultrasonic immersion/vapor spray degreaser
Ultrasonicdegreasing offers advantages for the most stubborn contaminants and is commonlyused for cleaning application like those listed below
Stubbornorganic soils such as mold release agents wax and impregnated grease
Excessiveparticulate contamination on the cleaning parts
Inaccessiblesurfaces, blind holes and intricate passageways on the cleaning parts
Criticalcleaning of high-reliability components such as printed circuit boards andhybrid/microcircuits
Theultrasonic vapor degreaser incorporates the same features as theimmersion/vapor spray degreaser with the addition of ultrasonic agitation inthe liquid rinse sump, the cleaning cycle remains the same, with the cleaningparts being suspended in the ultrasonic sump for the required time
07:Co-solvent degreaser
KEEPLEADERstandard two-compartment degreaser is configured as single-solvent, cleaningparts can be cleaned with the single-solvent degreasing method with either apure solvent, or more commonly, with a solvent zoetrope, in a single solventsystem, the cleaning parts are normally suspended in the vapor directly abovethe wash compartment, where it is exposed to the pure solvent vapors, generatedby the boiling solvent below when the warm vapors touch the comparatively coolcleaning parts, the vapors condense into liquid and dissolves the contaminationon the part surface, the contaminant is then and flushed away as it pours offthe part, this cleaning action continues until the cleaning parts and thesolvent vapor have reached the same temperature, the cleaning parts are themimmersed in the somewhat cooler rinse sump, where any residual contaminantsleft on the part are dissolved, for particularly stubborn contaminants,ultrasonic are added to this compartment, after immersion cleaning, thecleaning parts are raised back in the vapor zone, where a final condensaterinse takes place
Co-solventdegrease sometimes called dual solvent degreaser, operate somewhat differentthe use unique combination of two distinct types of non-ozone depletingcleaning agents
Operatesomewhat differently, they use a unique distinct types of non-ozone depletingcleaning agents, this system is sometimes used for flux removal, and is mostappropriate for applications where pure fluorinated solvents or their zoetropeare not aggressive enough to dissolve the contaminant, the cleaning process issimilar to single-solvent degreasing, except that in the initial cleaningstage, the cleaning parts are completely immersed in the wash compartment, asolvating agent in the wash sump dissolves contaminants from the cleaningparts, the liquid in the wash sump is constantly filtered to remove any soldparticulate, the parts are then removed from the wash chamber and immersed inthe rinse compartment, which contains pure liquid solvent, it is then raised inthe vapor zone, where it receives a final vapor rinse, ultrasonic many beprovided in either or both compartments, depending on the cleaning application,additionally, the solvating agent can be specifically formulated for thecontaminant being removed and the ration of solvating agent to fluorinated solventcan be adjusted to affect the temperature and effectiveness of the washcompartment, because the system uses two chemistries with different boilingtemperatures, its operation tents to be somewhat more complicated that that ofa single-solvent machine and it normally supplied with an upgraded controlpackage
ADD: Rongxing Bldg, Bulong rd, Bantian st, Longgang, Shenzhen 518129 P.R.China
ZIP: 518129
Contact: Ms Wang
Tel: +86-755-84190358
Fax: +86-755-84190358
Mob: +86-13590415784
Email: sales@keepleader.com
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ADD: Rongxing Bldg, Bulong rd, Bantian st, Longgang, Shenzhen 518129 P.R.China ZIP: 518129 Contact: Ms Wang
Tel: +86-755-84190358 Fax: +86-755-84190358 Mob: +86-13590415784
Email: sales@keepleader.com 技术支持: keepleader